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Sir Blackrock's fairy tale

Stories and News No. 1285

Or, The kingdom of words and the land of tears and blood

Once upon a time there were two worlds, different and disjointed, contradictory and antithetical.
However, for once you will be able to observe them side by side.
How to read a story with the parallel text of the translation, but for the sake of reality, rather than for purely linguistic reasons.
Or, if you prefer, how to follow two screens at the same time. And even if one of the most unavoidable theatrical rules requires never showing more than one scene at a time, in this case it is fundamental to grasp the meaning.
Anyway the protagonist is the same. What changes is the context. Or rather, what differs is in the words, in their presence, importance and weight in the eyes of those who read or listen. And the discrepancy rely on one of the mirrors, where syntax and semantics matters little or nothing, I assure you.
Therefore, as it has been used on these parts for more than a decade now, there was once a knight. Let’s use a fairy tale figure, recognizable and attractive to all audiences.
We we can call him Sir Blackrock.  Read as well as the strong man, the winner, the one who has obtained fame and power, coveted and admired by almost everyone, let's face it.
In the first of the aforementioned paintings we find the guy juxtaposed in the act of speaking, communicating his pious and noble resolutions: "Sustainability brings profits," he affirms with extreme conviction, underlining his sensitivity towards the environment and the rights of the earth.
We are on the side of the story where words reign undisputed, and Sir Blackrock has learned when and how to show them off: "I have always been at the forefront of the ESG", continues his monologue, "or the environment, social issues and governance.
“I care about the climate crisis and, as already mentioned, sustainability. But also diversity and human rights, consumers and the defense of animals, as well as the management and organization of all subjects, including vassals, esquires, courtiers and courtesans.
"Furthermore, for the expansion of my possessions, I am in favor of responsible, careful and socially fair investments, in accordance with the guidelines of the United Nations, with which, among other things, I have already shown that I care about the emancipation of women and gender equality."
As Blackrock's words flow away one after the other, they are accompanied and supported by glances, nods and smiles of approval, as well as ecstatic hands that join  against each other in intoxicated applause, before launching into the search for a servile as well as interested handshake with the well-known knight at the end of his speech.
At the same time, however, what happens in the next screen can only screech in an incredible way, if it were not all true.
Within the latter, chatter is not needed, facts count. And the facts tell us that Sir Blackrock not only refuses to reduce or delay the interest payments, which in a cruel, infamous and sneaky way he pretends to cash in on the skin of a poor and drought-stricken country like Zambia, but he plans to pocket huge profits to the detriment of the survival of the unfortunate inhabitants, who were forced to cut health and social spending - to use two words so dear to Sir - because of this shameful situation.
Well, now the drawing is complete and, if you think about it, it is always the same: on one hand a heap of words devoid of sincerity or foundation, and on the other tears and blood.
Maybe that's why I never liked fairy tale knights - except Don Quixote, for obvious reasons - and I've always cheered on the princess locked up in the tower, with the desire that she would find the strength to free herself instead of waiting the valiant savior. Who most of the time, in the real life, will never come because he is too busy binging in front of a laden table...

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