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White privilege in Italy and other advantages

Stories and News No. 1214

Here is the count of privileges. Undoubted advantages at birth, received without any merit whatsoever, which make the difference between a small, lucky minority and the majority of humanity. Maybe, it would be appropriate to be aware of them before opening your mouth and giving breath to every instinct or emotion, rather than a reasoned thought. What privileges? Well, your question makes me think… Anyway, here is the Decalogue:

1 You are white

2 You are male

3 You are a citizen with all the right papers of an European nation - apart from the poorest ones - or the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand too

4 You are an adult, because the respect for the rights and needs of children seems to be a matter still far from becoming a priority all over the world... 

5 You had at least one parent who could take care of you

6 You had a family that allowed you to study

7 You had - and maybe still have - family members who have helped you financially, subsidizing, supporting and above all protecting your dreams

8 You do not belong to any category known to be discriminated at any latitude or specifically in the place you live

9 You came into the world with no major malformation or any chronic and debilitating disease

10 You are not necessarily forced to leave the place where you were born to survive or even aspire to a normal life, where being able to get a job and a roof over your head is not just the result of a miracle

Now, it is self-evident that not all the aforementioned privileges are of equal value, but I do not think I need to point out which are the most favorable ones. However, it seems axiomatic to me that by enjoying at least three of such congenital facilitations, in the modern society of human disparities, you are taking advantage of a very benevolent start on the life’s path. If they are exactly the first three, well, I don't think further speeches are needed. Then, if you daily use at least half of these benefits, you necessary must to keep them in mind in every single moment of your auspicious existence. Finally, if you are the beneficiaries of all ten of the aforementioned profits, but at the same time you still feel entitled to complain about the understandable and peaceful invasions and justified grievances and rebellions of your fellow people, not equally kissed by good luck, it would be appropriate to write down the list, put it in your pocket, and never move without, towards any destination...

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