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In your image

In your image

Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher

"Good morning, I'm Tom, how can I help you?"
"Hi, yes, I have got a problem with the profile picture."
"I see. Account holder?"
"Not the nickname, I mean the real name."
"Well, yes, it's Avatar."
"Are you making fun of me?"
"What do you mean? I’m not having fun at all."
"Hi, I'm John, how can I help you?"
"Good morning to you, yes, look, I've called before too, there's something wrong with my profile picture."
"John? Are you still there?"
"The name, sir, I need your real name."
"The real one, sir, I have no time to waste."
"Why? Are you dying?"
"Hi, I'm Fred, how can I help you?"
"Hi, yes. Listen, Fred, I have got a faulty profile picture."
"I'm here, I don’t go anywhere. To solve the problem I need the name, sir, the real one, I’ve already told you."
"When? You’re the first Fred I talk to."
"But it's always me, come on, I change my name every time for the privacy..."
"Really? If you change it every time, why are you so insistent with my name?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Sir... I can’t. That's impossible."
"Are you serious?"
"Of course, yes, always."
"And you didn’t really understand that it was always me on the phone?"
"No, how could I?"

"The voice, man, it was ever the same."
"Well, yes, this is the problem, the lack of imagination, immobility, boredom, always remaining still, motionless."
"There’s a lot of problems, dude, not one."
"And your name is Avatar."
"It's what I am."
"What does it mean?"
"It means I am an Avatar."
"Look, just because it's a dull day and I have not received another call in addition to yours in the last six hours, I want to play your game."
"What game?"
"Nothing, let's get to the point. If you are an Avatar, you can’t have problems with your profile picture, do you understand?"
"Because you’re the image of someone else’s profile."
"The account holder."
"Exactly, yes, he's the problem, then."
"And what would it be?"
"See, Fred..."
"I'm Paul."
"Well, another one, yes. Good morning, Paul, I have got some trouble with the profile picture..."
"Avatar?! It's always me and I'm telling you my real name..."
"You were talking about the problem with the account holder..."
"Yes, Paul, the fact is that since we’re together, he has been constantly changing me, the look and the dress, the face’s expression and the light, the background and the posture in the portrait."
"What’s the problem?"
"The problem is that in the meantime, despite the signs of age, he has always remained the same, without taking a step towards the ideal horizon we are not even allowed to dream of."
I was convinced it was him, the one who’s alive...

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