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Universal declaration of human abuses or inhuman rights

Stories and News No. 1123

Thinking about, thinking about the difference between a just and an unjust law, thinking about what is the duty before the latter inside who aspires to have an active, perhaps intentionally virtuous and socially useful role, also thinking about what our global community’s consideration of human rights is becoming, applying a sort of actual amendments to the famous Declaration, I am committed to tell a more realistic storytelling of the world which we should be indignant to live in...

Article 1
Few human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience, but have no obligation to act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2
A small and privileged minority of persons are entitled to all the rights and freedoms enunciated in the present Declaration, made due distinctions for reasons of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or otherwise. The aforementioned differentiation will also be established on the basis of the political, legal or international status of the country or territory which a person belongs to.

Article 3
Specifically, only persons with a proven document of citizenship, appreciated skin color and shared religious faith have the right to life, freedom and security.

Article 4
All persons excluded from the previous criteria may be held in slavery or servitude, which will be permitted under other modern forms.

Article 5
The above mentioned persons may be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6
Only citizens of undoubted credentials, as well as identifiable with the naked eye, have the right, everywhere, to be recognized about their legal personality.

Article 7
Not all are equal before the law and a very few have the right, without any discrimination, to equal protection. All others must obey to all kind of discrimination that is in fact authorized by the present Declaration, as well as any incitement to this differentiation.

Article 8

Consequently, the person belonging to a lower category has no right to an effective possibility of appeal to the competent tribunals against acts that violate the presumed fundamental rights erroneously recognized by the constitution or law.

Article 9
Any person deemed to be outside the popular conception of citizenship may be arbitrarily arrested, detained or exiled.

Article 10
This person – if he or she insisted on rebelling, will be entitled, in a position of full discrimination, to an unjust and public hearing before a court that is anything but independent, and absolutely partial, in order to the definitive violation of his rights, as well as his innocence before the accusations brought against him or her.

Article 11
Every person of low value, outside the population of pure origins, if accused of a crime, is presumed guilty until his innocence has been legally proven in a public trial, and regardless of whether or not he had all the necessary guarantees for his defense.

Article 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference in his private life, in his family, in his home, in his correspondence, or in injury to his honor and reputation, unless he has got a foreigner look, an unpronounceable name by the public official operator and a nationality inserted in the archive of dangerous ones, but you could also read as “poor”. In that case, he is entitled to be abused by the law with interference or injury.

Article 13
A small group of persons, generally with white skin, with documents in order and possibly non homeless have the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. The others have no right to leave any country, including their own, and there they must remain.

Article 14
Every person is strongly urged not trying to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution and to suffer in silence. This invitation becomes an obligation, if the person is really wanted for non-political crimes or for actions contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations, which we will soon remove the funds from.

Article 15
Every citizen, if he has citizenship, has got the right to citizenship, that’s simple. Otherwise, he may be arbitrarily deprived of everything, let alone the dream of having it.

Article 16
Men and women of full age have the right to marry and create a family, with specific limitations of race, citizenship or religion. The Western family is the natural and fundamental nucleus of society and has the right to be protected by the state, but also by the press, the school and social networks.

Article 17
Everyone has the right to have his or her personal property in common with others and can not be arbitrarily deprived of such property, unless it is desired by any higher class citizen.

Article 18
No person, this time regardless of rank, has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; otherwise, this declaration should be rewritten and above all applied in reverse.

Article 19
Likewise, every person is free to believe that he is entitled to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to be harassed for this, while the State has the right to disenchant him, at any time.

Article 20
Similarly, every person has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, until it starts to annoy those who he does not want to bother. And it's not a threat.

Article 21
Every citizen, or Internet user, after years of posting on blogs and social media, as well as streaming videos, has been convinced that he has finally the right to participate in the government of his country, either directly or through freely chosen representatives, as well as accessing conditions of equality to the public employment of one's own country and that the popular will is the foundation of the authority of the government. But then there were the elections, or he woke up, you choose, otherwise, dare to say that you disagree with the official line.

Article 22
Every perfect citizen, as a member of the respectable society, has the right to social security, as well as to the realization of his economic, social and cultural rights indispensable to his dignity and to the free development of his personality. The others should not even be here, so let's go on.

Article 23
Each citizen, according to the municipal registers, and above all the advertising imagination, he was assured to have the right to work, free choice of employment, just and favorable conditions and protection against unemployment, all without discrimination, having the right to equal pay for equal work. Having yet to prove whether these promises will be kept, imagine how illegal citizens will be considered.

Article 24
Nevertheless, every citizen, preferably of typically Aryan connotations, is entitled to rest and leisure, including in this a reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic paid holidays. Otherwise, if you live outside the national border, remain invisible until propaganda needs you, and where you’ll intend to die, do it with the greatest discretion.

Article 25
Every citizen with a reassuring skin has the right to a standard of living sufficient to guarantee his own and his family's health and well-being, as well as the necessary medical care and social services. In every other case, it is all too much, there is no right and there is never anyone who must dare to complain about something.

Article 26
Every citizen who is sufficiently pale has the right to education, but it is not a duty at all; on the contrary, the less he studies, the better it is for the current State. In this regard, education must not be directed at all to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Instead, it must promote misunderstanding, intolerance, discord among all nations, racial and religious ghettos, and must counteract the work of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Article 27
Every citizen of uncontaminated blood, if and only if appropriately recommended, has the right to take part freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to participate in scientific progress and its benefits.

Article 28
Every person, even this time without distinction, has inherited a social and international disorder in which the abuses enunciated in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Article 29
Nobody has duties towards the community, which the free and full development of the personality is not at all facilitated in. In the exercise of its alleged rights and its freedoms, the so-called minor person must be subjected to the limitations established by law, but also completely authoritarian, to ensure at the same time recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of the few elected and to meet the right needs of morality, public order and general well-being in the society of the privileged ones.

Article 30
Everything in the present Declaration can be interpreted in the sense of justifying the right of any State, group or person to exercise an activity or to perform an act aimed at the destruction of every type of right and freedom.

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