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Axis of the willing: Triple Alliance 2018 deal

Stories and News No. 1113

Following the recent meeting in Innsbruck of the so-called Axis of the willing, anti-migrants ministers of Italy, Germany and Austria, here is a text inspired by the previous pacts among the same countries between the late nineteenth century and the beginning of ‘900 and the statements of the current protagonists.

Preamble, which remains almost identical, because history repeats itself, and sometimes even nightmares:
The signatories, motivated by the desire to increase the guarantees of general peace, to strengthen their governments and to ensure the maintenance of social and political order in their respective States, have agreed to conclude a treaty which, by its essentially conservative and defensive nature, it does pursue the aim of protecting them from the dangers that could threaten the security of their States and the tranquility of Europe.

Article 1: We expect that Europe will finally

return to defending the borders and the right and the security of the 500 million Europeans.

Article 2: If arrivals are reduced, minor internal problems between nations will also be solved and there will be no problem at the borders.

Article 3: Less migrants, fewer landings and less deaths.

Article 4: We will request support from the Libyan authorities, give Tripoli the right to repatriation and redistribution of the quotas for arrivals.

Article 5: We will ask international missions not to use Italy as a single point of arrival and support in rescue operations, protection and repatriation of thousands of illegal immigrants in the places of departure.

Article 6: We believe that this nucleus of friendship and concrete and efficient intervention of Italy, Germany and Austria will give a positive impulse to all Europe to recognize the right of asylum to that minority of women and children who flee from wars and avoid the arrival and death of tens of thousands of people who do not run away from any war.

Article 7: We want to introduce order in the migration policy but to guarantee a humanitarian approach and effectively protect the external borders of the European Union.

Article 8: Things are relatively simple, we three agree that we want to bring order.

Article 9: We want to send the clear message that in the future it should not be possible to be on European soil without the right to protection.

Words and delusions by Matteo Salvini, Horst Seehofer and Herbert Kickl.

Yes, I know what you may be thinking now.
First, the mad governments of the nations in the field, then as today, in the years immediately following the previous agreement, have contributed to the outbreak of two world wars.
Secondly, these do not appear to be articles, but just slogans.
Meaningless sentences.
Proclaims inside a perennial, xenophobic electoral campaign for the most fragile minds, to the detriment of desperate lives over the border.
Well, according to you, what else could the aforementioned gentlemen share?
What mostly worries me is what awaits us in the next years...

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