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You ask me too much

Stories and News No. 1059

You ask me too much, that’s what it is, gosh.
She said that as the Christmas season approaches, luxury jewelry brands will prepare, like every year, for their usual binge of money.
So? I replied, without giving her a look.
She said, always the girl, that maybe this year I will consider their supporting role, although indirectly, in favor of the Rohingya genocide and join tens of thousands of people who ask retailers of high-end jewelry to end to their relations with the Burmese army.
What? I told her with my head and especially the brain frozen.
Then the girl said that for the military in Burma, the involvement in the huge export of gems is an enormous flow of income. She adds that almost all the top quality jades and 95% of the rubies in the world come from those countries.

You ask me too much, I repeat, too much, gosh.
She said: don’t trust stuff from that brand because they sell weapons where they kill each other every day.
And you stop buy weapons, gosh!
Don’t read that newspaper, she said, because behind there is them, who are in league with her, which is friendly with him.
But I don’t read newspaper anymore…
I have no time, gosh, I have no more time, you ask me too much, I still replied without touching her with my eyes.
Indeed, she said to wear that shirt because it has the right word on, which helps those ones, and then put the hat with that emblem, use the pin of those others and then let’s go everybody on the streets, in the cold, to demonstrate for those against them.
WTF! It's not my fault if these noble gatherings always come on Saturday afternoons, gosh.
I work, I screamed with my head still bowed, I work all week and I have the right to stretch the legs in the weekend, am I wrong?
Tell me, girl, am I wrong or not?
You ask me too much, this is what it is.
She said not to cry out with her.
And who should I cry with?
You're the one who breaks my b…
Don’t go to the cinema to see that movie, she said after, because it’s a non-educational one and takes advantage of people's ignorance.
But it makes me laugh, do you understand, girl?
I need to laugh at the end of the day, just because you ask too much.
Don’t buy the oil-car and eat organic, she also said, don’t waste water and don’t use plastic, she insists, the girl insists.
Go to the theater and read books, she said too, buy with heart and give the rest to the last ones, as if the measure was not already filled.
That’s the time I used to explode, despite my mind is always distracted.
You ask me too much, girl, you are asking me too much.
Finally the girl said: why don’t you look at me when you speak?
How can I do that? I replied desperately.
You ask me too much, if you think I can talk looking at you, and at the same time, in random order, update the status on Facebook, respond to the thirty-eight messages on even more WhatsApp groups, kindly share the required likes everywhere, follow and sign all invitation to do so, without interrupting the uploading of photos and words, videos and pieces of me that are gradually erasing myself from the world.
You ask me too much, girl, because everything I had…
I've already sold it...

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