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When heroes need us

Stories and News No. 1049

The announcement that the Trump Administration is considering to revoke the US ban on imports of elephant trophies from Zambia and Zimbabwe directly threatens the lives of African parks ranger, who are committed to protect animals and their ecosystems.

I have a Mom.
And I have a Dad too.
That would be so much.
Almost everything.
I have a Mom, a Dad, and if everything goes in the right direction, one day I will also have my powers.
No… what mutant? I'm always myself from day to night and that's fine.
To fly?
Maybe I could be like those cartons creatures, but here, in the real world, the weight is everything, without jokes.
You could design your ears as you wish and manipulate everything with those fraudsters machines you call computers, but at the end of the day, a jump is the maximum and I don’t complain.
Because I know that soon or later I’ll come back down, to them.

Nevertheless, I was talking about my fangs, what else?
Indeed, why so happy for such a normal life?
First, normal is not at all, but I’ll be back on that.
Secondly, the joy for the essentials is a duty for those as myself, lives who have got as many parents, as well as the putative ones: courage and dedication, are their names, mixed in a single life of woman and mother, the person I owe present and future.
That's why I'm here.
That's why I unexpectedly speak and write.
Because when we choose to violate the limits of nature, well, it’s better to do it for good, right?
I'm talking about her, Esnart Paundi, the brave ranger who was killed by the poachers seven years ago, leaving her children.
This is their normality, more unlucky than me,
undoubtedly, and without a hero in their life.
Because this is what makes a fearless one worthy of being celebrated in the years to come, isn’t it?
The uniqueness, in bringing to life five children at a time and a place that doesn’t offer easy perspectives on the horizon, and an absolute
abnegation, in choosing as a mission to protect us from the sellers and buyers of white painted, bloody illusions.
They say we have an extraordinary memory, a typical trait of our species.
Another power, then.
Yet, I believe people like Esnart tell us something with their own life that cannot be ignored.
You cannot let the History writing such a life as if it had happened in vain.
The heroes go and come, of course, in silence most of the time.
However, we are the ones who have the opportunity to make their power a gift rather than only a misfortune for the sons.
We owe them what we are and, more than anything, what makes humanity better.
So, don’t buy anymore jewelries by cruel death merchants.
Stop listening to them.
And voting for them.
It wouldn't be so bad as a start…

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