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Stories to think about: the two attacks

Stories and News No. 973

Once upon a time there were two attacks.
Both terrorist.
In other words, potentially capable of terrorizing lives and looks, present and future.
They equally occurred on March twenty-two, 2017.

However, as it often happens to what makes up our common history, there are more or less significant differences.
In one five people died and there were at least forty injured.
In the other there are thirty-three deaths, no one survived.
In the first one it seems that the bomber is one.
In the second, they are many more, although it seems that the finger on the damn button was only one.
One have already got the usual claim, with all the usual guesswork out.
In the other it is not necessary, because the culprit is clearly visible under the sun.
Maybe too much.
The first one is a horrible thing and it is natural to grieve, right to get angry and required to investigate the facts in the shadows.
The second is just as horrendous and it would be natural to grieve, right to get angry and required to investigate the facts in the shadows.
One has already its wiki page.
The other does not have enough sources.
The first is newsworthy.
The second estranges sponsors and empathy.
One generates understandable doubts, sensible questions and countless interpretations. Yet an aura of certainty seems to envelop viewers and orchestrators.
The other is undisputed about its murderous hand’s detached atrocities as the tragic and unacceptable innocents’ end. Nevertheless, doubts and even denials stand united as a tidal wave, facing the still, hot blood of the dead.
The first affects whole societies, elections and the greatest newspapers home page.
The second kills, period.
One is systematically exploited to foment hatred and madness.
The other does the same and it is absurd that only a few is aware of it.
Paradoxically, it seems that the former is able to make supportive and united those who wage war on a daily basis in all lawful ways today grants.
Equally unexpectedly, it seems that the latter is able to do the same with those who, the day before, were convinced that the killers of their loved ones were their savior. Supportive, united and infinitely full of anger, to be precise.
Once there were two attacks.
Both terrorist.
In a few words, really able to terrorize people and horizons, present and future.
They both took place in 2017, the twenty-second of March.
Maybe not so disconnected from each other.
One in London and the other in Syria.
The first near Westminster and Parliament.
The second in a school where refugees from the conflict had thought to find, indeed, the long-desired refuge.
Nevertheless, as it often happens to what gives shape to our common existence, there are more or less significant variances.
It's up to us to decide whether allowing the latter to move our feelings and our intellect or maybe our rationality and the much-underrated humanity…

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