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Moral stories: person of the year and us

Stories and News No. 939

For the 90th round, Time magazine has chosen the Person of the Year, portraying him in the famous cover, which had major influence, for better or for worse, on 2016’s events. It’s the turn of the new president of the United States, Donald Trump.
However, now, at this very moment, is it really Trump’s time?

It’s Trump’s Time, of course it is.
Nevertheless, time - with a small letter, is not only a magazine to read, wrapping each disillusioned hope the next day.
Time is not today picture on the cover, nor

yesterday and the day before viral images.
What images, you ask? That’s exactly what I mean.
The definition of time is no small matter, and I don’t want to face the universal question, right now.
For sure, it's not Donald Trump’s, as it was not Obama’s for eight years.
It was not even Hitler’s and Gandhi’s.
Similarly it is not mine, writing here, nor yours reading, as much as I am grateful to you for having got time for me.
A missing word proves the whole idea, since the only thing we can say with certainty is that now, at this very moment, time is also of Trump.
But it is so viscerally as well of those who oppose the latter. So, ended another time, of screams and elections, a million other moments are born and need nourishment and care, to find authoritative place in the calendar of human, sacred resistances.
It's also time - let the focus on these people, of those who will pay with serenity and even life because of the celebrated master of the hourglass on the front page.
It’s low time by definition, common destiny for all expendable victims by the cumbersome storytelling, instrumental extras for the first actor, the one to sell the film with, never the opposite.
Then, perhaps, moral consciousness would like we choose this touching portion of mankind as the repudiated time’s sons. That is, the only ones worthy of a story far from the vulgar party at the rich attic.
It’s also time of the innocent passengers, those who will board tomorrow and the next day, finding the person at the helm of the ship of the past year.
If you think that they will be even insulted by the real culprits of the bad captain choice. As if being born in another time were a strange kind of guilt.
Time is theirs, of course, but, as already said, it is also of Trump.
Mine and yours.
So let's try to think about time that will be.
If tomorrow is ours, then, what did happen yesterday?
What about today?
Here it is.
It's all here, the dancing design called common life.
An arrogant image that covers most of the screen.
Along with the urgent need to take back our space.
And our time

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