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Stories of poor children: in the land of waste few rules

Stories and News No. 915

I read that in the mid-2000s the Stung Meanchey dump in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, has achieved the dubious distinction of being the world most famous.
The reason? Simple, that is, terrible.
Both day and night, thousands of garbage pickers working on the festering mountain of trash. They have lived in houses made from trash. They ate trash. Many were even born and many have died in it.
Despite in 2009 the government has tried to close the landfill, some residents have simply moved, while most still live there...

In the land of waste.

Few rules.
The first: do not throw away anything.
Because the others have already done, so to speak.
Then throwing away becomes an expression meaningless if taken literally.
Here the whole life should be strictly interpreted and the various meanings at the same time become interchangeable.
So, ‘throw away’ is transformed, depending on the opportunity, in borrow or even give, bring and take, lend and give again, with all the possibilities of the case.
However these are blessed event.
Difficult otherwise, when the gift is still alive, capable of resisting to the touch.
Hence, the second rule: we need delicacy.
Yes, we need it between us.
And not because things are particularly fragile, which would have reason to be, since it is logical for ‘throwing away stuff’.
We are not even talking about us, in spite you might suppose the opposite, because to survive among sharp shards and pestilent aromas the Iron Man armor would be like naked butter at the mercy of the Sahara desert.
No, the reason is only one.
Because delicacy between us will be the only one that will ever have in the world.
Below, the third rule: open your eyes, always.
Open it forever.
Ever in search of treasures.
Like you, for that matter.
Or at least that's what we imagine raising our heads towards the sky, hugely favored by fortune.
The gods and their children, they surely will be extremely good to find jewels among the most secret places of the earth.
Creatures with miraculous views, giant hands and no less capacious pockets.
That is normal if we will get only the crumbs, no hard feelings, probably we would do the same.
However, we are talking about humans, anyway. And humans are not perfect.
This is our misfortune, but also the only piece of plausible, good fortune.
Represented by the last rule: do not lose hope.
Never, please.
You know, it happens that sometimes even the gods are lost in venial typos.
And what is marginal for you, for us glows with infinite light.
Then big party and everyone goes to throw away.
Read as well as everything to everyone.
Because in the land of waste there are few rules.
The first is do not throw away anything.
Since your anything is our everything

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