Stories and News No. 894 Imagine to install a special App in your head. A mental App, starting a moment before reading . Listening . And watching . Imagine that such valuable program will delete any information about the so-called “ racial profile ” of the protagonists. By the way, Harry Potter would have been less magical with the turban on his head? You would have admired more a Swedish Nelson Mandela ? The greatness of the famous step for mankind of the first man on the moon has depended in some way from the astronaut’s birthplace ? So, read , listen and watch today's news with me. You will come to know, therefore, that a human being has killed another, or even more. You will read , listen and watch a lot about that. You will discover also that someone has saved many. You will read , listen and watch a few, about that, but please, do me a favor: do not use it as an excuse for your more or less despicable actions. Somebody will tell you of people who abuse o...
by Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher