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When a plane falls

Stories and News No. 878

Who were the victims of the flight MS804? 66 people, including 56 passengers from 12 different countries, seven crew members and three security officers.
This is one of many questions that those who remain arise.
When a plane falls...

When a plane falls.
When a plane falls means that the dream of flying is over.
Because when a plane falls it leaves you the gift of fear.
And when a plane falls you cannot help but put it there, on the scale always ready to welcome our time’s terrors.
But when a plane falls, heaven forbid that the weight will steal the show to courage.
Since when a plane falls do not say that audacity of those who made the short trip was spent in vain.
When a plane falls you cannot help but cry.

Because you were not there with them.
And at the same time, when a plane falls, you cannot help but feel relief.
For the same reason.
When a plane falls we are obsessed by the answers that the dark box will deign to reveal.
Because when a plane falls the guilty is such in the worst meanings.
But when a plane falls, heaven forbid this man to steal the spotlight at the other culprits hidden in the shadows.
When a plane falls the magic disappears and there only the tricks remain.
And when a plane falls we remember only flames and wreckage.
Because when a plane falls we forget everything else.
But when a plane falls is like photographing the stormy sea and being convinced that the blue painted placid waters were just an illusion.
And then, when a plane falls, anything goes.
When a plane falls the pain is the most logical track and at the same time worthy of respect.
But when a plane falls silence would be a smart choice for the audience.
When a plane falls, now, we are not impressed anymore.
And when another plane falls you do even less.
Because when a plane falls there is only the noise of the explosion to lord.
Yet, when a plane falls, you may tighten the ears and do the same with the eyes.
And imagine what it would be if the plane had never crashed.
However, when a plane falls, you cannot go back, but from that moment the miracle that defeats gravity, and all fear it weighed, needs you.
All of us.
Because when a plane falls it means that the dream of flying is over.
But for each plane has fallen, and every dream that ends, a thousand others are ready on the runway.
Ready to fly.
To dream.
Until the wings allow it...

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