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Kiribati climate change: Ioane Teitiota and family to be deported

Stories and News No. 789

From real to fake and back. Forward. Rewind and again.
Maybe that's how these pages work and so do I.
As a kind of tennis ball hit from both sides of the court, never indulging on the racket strings, falling trapped like a prey on the spider’s web.
Maybe that's the only way for the ball to still exist.
So it happens that I already told two years ago the true story of the first climate refugee on earth.
Then, since Teitiota Ioane and his family have just been expelled from New Zealand to return to Kiribati, where because of climate change and the consequent sea rising are likely to disappear, I just have no choice.
That telling the false story...

Once upon a time there were a movie and only two spectators.
A movie…
Let's say a short narrative from father to son.
The former pushes the play button, if that is what the abstruse inscription on it indicates.
Fade from black to white.
Cheerful and gratifying intro music.
A clear blue sky is overlooking a town like many others.
Too many.
Zooming on a mid-rise building, devoid of skyscraper’s arrogance, but no less convinced to be something worthy than poor pavement creatures.
The camera reaches the glass of a window.
First special effect and the audience’s eye follows that the narrator’s one in an apartment as many.
Sadly a lot.
A rundown of the interior life of the main characters, unaware lives.
There's stuff on the wall, the usual.
Images of art stolen and stolen images with art.
But there is also something important for the hands on the camera.
Otherwise the video would not show for a much more significant time the strange object.
Second special effect.
This time for the invisible and unconscious protagonist.
The three arms of uneven length are immobile and the relay is constant between the before and the after which nothing changes in.
Yet time is running until the end, that is, it is long gone.
The camera abandons the strange object with his valuable show of numbers and hands and reaching the real goal of the movie.
A living expression in a mirror, through which a man looks at his watch and window.
The prisoner instant and the eternal blue.
It's all right, it's all right for now.
For now.
Because now is all I have always believed I do, that is the caption.
Immediately before a slow fade from white to black.
Music and credits.
"Dad," the alien baby asks the parent, "what have we just seen?"
And the story they used to tell themselves...

Read other Stories about climate change and global warming

Storytelling videos with subtitles
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