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World’s oldest person alive today: letter from woman to woman

Stories and News No. 766

116 years old, Jeralean Talley has died. She was the oldest woman in the world, that is the oldest ‘person’ in the world.
She was.
Because 21 grams later this record has come to Susannah Mushatt Jones, who will reach the same Jeralean’s age on July 6th.
Here is an imaginary baton passing by letter.
From the old mother of the world to the new one...

Dear Susannah,
here we are.
The moment has come.
Time is now.
So the inhabitants of the TV say when the instant is solemn.
Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is... and let us go with the more or less spontaneous applauses, the important flashes and, who knows, the standing ovation too.
Yes, I know that I could not give you that.
We both ran.
I had no time for greetings.
And you have certainly had not time to say hello to me.
Who has left the scepter.
What nonsense, right?
We are, and we will still be with you, the only real queens of time on earth, but we had found ourselves not having enough.
To look into our eyes.
To shake our hands and maybe hug.
To blink, no needing to talk.
Here, try to draw with me that elusive moment stolen to history.
I am there waiting for you... well, no, it is me that coming to you, sitting on the porch with iced tea on the table and the wagging dog although almost dormant.
I start to climb the stairs, a couple, and you get up to meet me.
All right, let us not speak of our mutual ill mobility.
You invite me to sit on the chair next to yours.
A rocking one, please, be precise in our imaginative framework.
I have always loved dancing and, despite the total approximation, at my age I am happy also with a silent knight of wood that can does just back and forth.
Anyway, many so-called champions of the dance floor do much less, yet they boast.
We are sipping tea and still not talking.
We observe, however.
Indeed, we both admire the rest of mankind reachable with eyes and memory from the porch of the oldest women in the world.
Oldest people, to be precise, as the preface says.
But here, I write women and that applies to the rest.
Because, perhaps, it is not by chance that we two were chosen live in the highest apartment.
Of a special skyscraper, where time is really money.
No, I correct myself: it is worth much more.
Time is time and there is no greater wealth.
For those like us who remember.
To say properly goodbye, we like it or not, to whom will take our place.
Wherever they are.
And from anywhere in the world they will arrive...

Read other stories about life.

Storytelling with subtitles
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