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Crime of torture video in Italy: the blessed land

Stories and News No. 737

After the sentence by of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg for the police violence on the Diaz school, proper today it was expected that the Italian parliament discussed about a special bill on the torture crime.
Better late than never.
Different story in the blessed land...

Once upon a time there was the blessed land.
No, do not raise your heads.
It is not up there.
Quite the contrary.
This is a simple story, the kind that, as negligible crumbs, slip away from the VIP’s table.
To feed those who touch the ground with their very hands.
Blessed is the land no law prohibited the tying and gagging someone to put cigarette butts on his skin.
Yet, none was stained by that unspeakable act.
There was no provision in the blessed land, which prevented anyone to strip persons humiliating them.
Nevertheless, nobody performed such infamy.
In the blessed land there was no rule prohibiting a person to lock up people unfairly.
However, no one dreamed of going that far.
There was no footnote in the legislation of the beautiful land that denied the alleged right to physically abuse of defenseless individuals protected by more or less licensing armor.
Nevertheless, you could not accuse anyone of such oppression.
In the blessed land the Penal Code was lackluster, in fact.
There was not written that you would not have freedom to do violence extorting words, or tears.
To disrespect the body as the dignity of others.
To strike the meat up empting it of every life energy.
Even managing to get the unexpected.
The condemnation of the victim.
Eating his name and memory even after death.
Gaining also an award, such as higher position.
Allowing the nightmare to overcome reality and imagination at the same time.
The Code did not say any of this.
Yet, no one, I repeat, no one among the inhabitants of the blessed land would never have dared to act with such horrible inhumanity.
Because the land was blessed.
And because blessed is the land where people have no need for a law to understand that torturing a helpless human being is ignoble.
Infinitely ignoble.

Read other stories with morals.

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