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Migrants stories: we are human

Stories and News No. 716

Yet another tragedy on Italian shores near Lampedusa: more than three hundred dead.
The survivors say they were forced with guns to embark.
Usual indifference on the news.
Nevertheless, there is always a story here...

Once upon a time there was a family.
A foreign family, I challenge anyone to deny it.
Dad was an immigrant, mom was a refugee, grandma was a clandestine and the child was a stranger.
Unwanted and undesirable persons from every point of view.
Above all, under every sky.
Because there are people who are luckless since the beginning.
And the worst life is for those who before this unhappy fate’s judgment do not surrender.
The foreign family was a shining example.
In fact, they decided to autonomously write their turning page: they prepared luggage and started their journey.
In the sea, of course.
Because those who wait for the moment when the novel will justify the price paid in the library believe the new page begins always on the opposite bank.
Otherwise reading would be too easy.
Let alone writing.
Of course, the word easy was not included in foreign family’s dictionary.
Nothing original and no super hero on the horizon, with miraculous last minute rescues.
Shipwreck and death by drowning was the punishment for them, guilty of trying to change the rules of the game.
The game where only a few can play, so to speak.
You may think: it's over, stale conclusion for usual travelers for life.
Well, no, because here the words are telling stories, until there is space.
In the heart.
Once arrived at the borders of the other world the foreign family was stopped by officers to control documents.
Inevitable fact, since the beyond was created like us.
The four were obviously rejected.
"We have the heaven crisis," an angel said, "the clouds cost a fortune, the wings are consumed: we must first think about us."
"If those upstairs must first think about them," a devil said, "imagine us..."
The foreign family then decided to go into space, but did not find better luck.
Lunatics and Jupiterians, Martians and Venusians, Plutonics and Saturnians, all answered the same way.
"There is a space crisis, Americans, Russians and Chinese are going to steal our water, black holes are threating us, comets no longer arriving on time, etc."
In short, closed doors everywhere.
Lost in the universe, at the mercy of the cosmic void, the foreign family made an emergency landing on a small planet, in an equally tiny galaxy.
Fortunately, this time.
You know, the pages that complement the living narratives are revealed always by mistake.
Or fortunately.
There was a space crisis in the small planet too, it is clear.
The black holes frightened and comets were always late.
But this did not prevent the inhabitants to look into the eyes of newcomers.
To listen to the story.
Because every tale that attempts to resist the death deserves it.
Hi, the survivors said, we are the foreign family.
Greetings to you, the inhabitants replied, we are human.

Read other stories about racism.

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