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Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja hunger strike video

That is a "Freedom or death" race...

Stories and News No. 432

How to help:
Sign the new petition to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for Abdulhadi's freedom.
Sign the new petition by BCHR for Abdulhadi's freedom.
Write to the King of Bahrain.Contact a Bahraini Embassy in Your Country.
To locate a Bahraini Embassy in your country, or in a nearby country,
visit Bahrain's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
You can use this text for addressing the ambassador or political officer.
If you email, please bcc, so we can track how much contact has been made with Bahraini embassies.
Contact the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs.
To contact Mr. Villy Sovndal, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Denmark website.
Please express your gratitude for the Minister's efforts to release Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja from prison in Bahrain and encourage him to maintain the pressure on the government of Bahrain. You can remind him of his demand that there be action 'within days not weeks' and ask how you can get updated information from the Ministry about the case.
If you email, please bcc, so we can track how much contact has been made with the Ministry.

Follow @FrontLineHRD on Twitter to track tweets about Abdulhadi, and calls for trending.

Get your friends and colleagues to tweet for Abdulhadi, and increase the social media presence of Abdulhadi's hunger strike.
#KillingKhawaja is the current hashtag to support Abdulhadi.
Follow @KhawajaStrike to learn about the next Twitter trending campaign date and time.

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