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YouCat: 10 prohibited sex questions on catechism

Stories and News No. 345

The Story:

1. If Catholic priests cannot have sex, what authority they have to speak about?

2. If God has given humanity the pleasure of sex, what man has the right to ban it?

3. If this man is part of an institution guilty of the terrible sin of abuse on a child – trying to hide too, what consistent he has to indicate the right way?

4. Why most of the politicians close to the Catholic Church are divorced and sexually promiscuous?

5. Why sex is so important to you?

6. Maybe because you cannot do?

7. If two people come to marriage without doing sex and discover they do not know how to enjoy it, do you teach them?

8. How can you do if you have never enjoyed?

9. If God loves me, should not rejoice at my pleasure?

10. If you truly love your people, you should not feel the same joy?

Here is the video.

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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