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UDC Union of Democrat Cocaine addicts

Stories and News No. 196

Here’s another case of cocaine in UDC Party.
I read today the arrest of Salvatore Cintola, regional member UDC that, according to the investigators, instructed his secretary to buy cocaine.
The punitive action of the national secretary Lorenzo Cesa didn’t hesitate: "We’ll throw him out of the party!"
However, this is not the first case in the Union of Christian Democrats.
Only two years ago Alfredo Pacifico, UDC commissioner pro tempore of Legnano - and outgoing secretary, was arrested for cocaine.
And we can’t forget Cosimo Mele, a former member of the UDC, investigated for smuggling of drugs, especially cocaine.
Now, as they say, one may be an exception.
Two may be a coincidence.
But three…
Three create a problem.
However, I'm not here just to destroy and I want to give a constructive contribution.
I have the solution and I offer for free.

The Story:

Dear Christian Democrats United,
it’s time to change.
You are not drug addicts.
And not even people suffering from homesickness, how Renato Zero said.
Juts a little bit…
Anyway the Christian Democracy party is finished time ago.
I hope you noticed.
You are just chronically depressed patients.
And for that you became cocaine addicts.
You don’t need to be ashamed.
I am not justifying, of course, but who has the right to judge you?
The magistrates, when they’re free to work.
But the others...
The others, especially your colleagues of a different color, cannot speak.
As if some says: do not look into the nostrils of the others, when a beam is in yours.
For this reason I am not here to be moralist with you.
I call you for action on depression.
I would also be depressed instead of you.
I would feel the same if I were always to mediate over everything, to compromise with everyone, smiling to left and right, and for what?
Not to be in the government!
That’s what you didn’t understand by your ancestors teaching.
Being a centrist party is convenient if you are the majority.
Your ancestors had ambition and vision.
They mediated, yes, but with cunning.
You have thought that to keep the word Christian in the name of the party would be enough to be worthy heirs of them.
You’re wrong.
Listen, the old DC politicians, Fanfani, Andreotti and company, if today they had found a party, do you really think that they would call it Christian Democracy?
They would have called Forza Italia, if someone else hadn’t done before.
Have you not learned anything from your former ally Berlusconi?
The name of the party is everything.
What is the winning formula that Silvio has taught this country?
When you have a problem, you don’t need to hide it.
Turn over, turn over all.
Others are always the problem, never Silvio.
The judges, the journalists and all those that oppose him are enemies of democracy, not him.
For this reason, here is the solution that will make you again a majority party and above all happy people, indeed, happily excited people.
You’ll become the UDC, Union of Democrat Cocaine addicts.
I'm not kidding, I'm serious.
Identify yourself with this new name and started screaming every day on TV and newspapers that the true drug addicts are the others and that you are only happy people who love having fun.
If it should not work, actually it means that Italy has changed...

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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