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Webby Awards and Lobby Awards…

Stories and News No. 69

The Story:

In response to the Webby Awards, exclusively for the blog, here is the top ten of the most important lobbies in the world. As you all know, the word lobby is used to indicate a set of groups, organizations or individuals, joined together by a common purpose: influencing legislative decisions.
So, here are the Lobby Awards:

At number 10 you may find the faith lobby, always near the power, thanks to God.

At number 9 there is the war lobby, with the usual motto: the customer is always right, especially if he exterminates opponents.

At number 8, perfectly stable, there is the media lobby.
Everyday less people read their news, yet they always manage to find the needful money.

Clearly rising, at number 7, here is the pharmaceutical lobby, blessed swine fever.

At sixth position another growing group: the water lobby.
In Italy we saw evidence in recent days.

At fifth place, you can find who is now a regular presence in this hit parade: the energy lobby.
With all upcoming eco incentives car discounts, fat cows are expected this Christmas.

At fourth position we have a lobby where factors ever change without altering the result: the mafia.
It remains so far the best investment.

At the top there is an incredible trio, formed by so-called unsuspected and therefore unpunished lobbies.
The third is the European Union, which is able to unify everything except its citizens.
At second place here is the G8, a group of tycoons who organizes parties all around the world.
At first position, there are some of us.
Not most, only a lucky minority.
It is a true lobby, an obese lump of subhuman creatures, victims of their own indifference.
This group is the first accountable one for the enrichment of the others…

Webby Awards name top 10 Internet moments of the decade: the birth of Wikipedia, the death of Napster, the iPhone, Facebook, and Twitter were named by the Webby Awards on Wednesday as among the top 10 Internet moments of the decade. Other events singled out by the New York-based International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences which bestows the annual Webby Awards were Iran's election protests, Craigslist's expansion and the launch of Google AdWords.

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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