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Abortion and Church: conscientious objection to tobacconists?

Stories and News No. 59

The Story:

Letter to the Secretary-General of the Italian Episcopal Conference (Cei)

Dear Bishop,
my name is Pio Buonsignore and I am writing from Rome.
I've always been a believer.
I did it for better or for worse, especially in the latter, as a sincere faith lover should.
I am Catholic, not just Christian.
So what it means, I've always known.
I am not like those who say I am Christian, not CatholicI believe in Jesus Christ, not the Pope.
It is easy to do so.
Many times I could do the same too: a fast read to the New Testament and then everyone does what he wishes, totally free.
Free to love as you please? Free to interpret the word of God as you like? Free to individually choose your moral?
Oh no, this is not freedom but chaos, an opportunist disorder in which people may wallow in utter ruin.
Men need a guide, it is written in their history, a guide that accompanies them as a father in their journey towards the true light.
This guide can not be God, because He is the target.
This guide was chosen by Him two thousand years ago and it is located in Rome, whether you like it or not.
It is a guide that has every right to express its opinion on any aspect of our Catholic lives, pointing to the good path to follow.
I always heard the commands of the clergy and this morning I was very impressed by your words, dear Bishop.
You said that conscientious objection is a right that must be accorded to pharmacists, implicitly inviting those among them who are Catholics to not sell the abortion pill RU486.
You also said that Christians - presumably you meant Catholics… - have not to cooperate in practices which, even if they are permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to the law of God and that we must allow pharmacists to not work directly or indirectly to the supply of products that are targeted to clearly immoral choices.
You are right, completely right! But why did you speak only about pharmacists? The church must continue on this moralizing road, invading every area of our depraved society.
My wife died last year of lung cancer and do you know why? He smoked forty cigarettes a day.
All thanks to tobacconists, ever free to sell death in their shops, and nobody say anything.
If pharmacists have the right to conscientious objection, even Catholic tobacconists do.
Think if this had happened ten years ago.
My wife would come into a tobacco shop, she would have asked the usual pack and the man would have replied very inspired: “I'm sorry ma'am, I am an objector. I don’t want to contribute to your future death…”
Perhaps she would die anyway.
My wife was a selfish woman, a true sinner.
One day, without my permission,  she aborted…

“Conscientious objection is a right which must be recognized to pharmacists too,” the Secretary-General of CEI, Bishop Mariano Crociata says this morning at the Congress of Catholic Pharmacists in Rome.

Full text of the speech “The pharmacist's conscientious objection between right and duty” by Bishop Mariano Crociata*

*Crusade in English…

Stories and News: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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