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The Italian G8? A great party a few meters from the suffering...

Stories and News No. 50:

The Story:

Silvio has a large and beautiful garden full of flowers.
He is not the owner, but he is responsible for it.
Many people have put on him their trust and hope for a better garden.
An unlucky day a violent storm crashes down on the beautiful garden.
Many flowers are uprooted and perish.
Silvio decides to move the surviving flowers inside a greenhouse.
This one is realized in record time, with the hope that it is only a temporary solution.
It is a narrow space; the light that comes from the transparent ceiling is in any way not comparable to the sun, which daily gave to flowers a natural and free present.
Many begin to lose the wonderful colours that once they possessed.
The air inside the greenhouse is not that fresh and clean outside.
Also this is now affecting the health of plants.
Silvio, who is used to talk to the flowers, assures them that soon they will return to stay in the garden.
Words, words, a lot of words, he says.
In fact a day comes when the man, chosen to take care of the garden, decides to restore only a part of it to meet some friends.
These other gardeners like his idea and everyone congratulates Silvio for the good initiative.
They chat amiably, eat well, drink better and Silvio is very happy.
In that moment the flowers overcome their own nature and turn to the music that comes from outside.
They can see the silhouettes of guests dancing merrily.
Some of plants recognize that unmistakable Silvio.
He is the lowest; there is no margin of error.
And in that instant the earth trembles.
This time it is not the earthquake.
The flowers raise and get out from the ground for the first time in their lives.
They get up for their ignored rights...

The News:

It had seemed an audacious choice: bringing the leaders of some of the world’s most industrialized countries to a city ravaged by an earthquake just three months before. But as so often happens in Italy, a country that appears to handle last-minute emergencies better than long-term planning, the Group of 8 summit meeting opened here on Wednesday without any glaring hitches.
“We’re proud that we were able to pull off a miracle,” Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said Wednesday evening at a news conference.
“I thank everyone who agreed to move the venue here,” Mr. Berlusconi said, adding that world leaders said they were “happy” to come to L’Aquila, “the capital of grief.”
It was a rush job. Two weeks after an April 6 earthquake killed nearly 300 people in this central Italian city, Mr. Berlusconi announced that he was moving the meeting here from La Maddalena, an island off the coast of Sardinia. In recent weeks, more than 1,000 workers labored round the clock to transform a school for the Italian Finance Police into a compound holding 1,500 international delegates and more than 3,000 journalists, complete with fresh grass and wicker lawn sets.

Stories and News: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.