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Stories and News no.6: Despite the Vatican, I will have a future

The Story:

Pavia, Italy, 18 February 2039

Dear Dad,
I just want to say thank you...
I know that you were not there in my first birthday.
I know that you have not heard the first time I said a comprehensible word.
I also know that you were not with me the day I saw the sea and my eyes have been enlarged as facing a miracle.
You could not; it was not your blame.
Your absence has never been a question of love.
Every moment of my life, my presence in mom’s and my friends’ life are.
Thanks to your love I am here now, writing you.
Thanks to your love I can now watch my son, your wonderful nephew.
Thanks to your love, today I am proud to explain him that his father is your gift to his grandmother.
Yes, my mother, your wife, who found the greatest power to stop the victory of death on our happiness.
I am talking about the power of life.
My life…

Your son

The News:

La Repubblica Magazine, 18 February 2009: PAVIA, Italy - The first step was made: “Now we go forward. I want to see how they can stop us” Doctor Severino Antinori, an expert in artificial insemination, ensures. Antinori yesterday afternoon came as a cyclone to the Policlinico San Matteo in Pavia, after the hospital had given the okay to take the seminal fluid from a patient in a coma for brain cancer. “There is a woman who wants a child from her husband, an act of life and love. Who accused us of manipulating the nature does not know what he says…”
The protagonists are a young couple. A month ago the man enters into a coma provoked by a brain tumour. Hopes of saving him does not seem to exist. The wife rebels to fate: “I wish to have a child by him; to become parents was our dream.”
The Vatican says his first alt: “I think a child should always be an act of love, not a laboratory experiment - Rino Fisichella, praetor of the Pontifical Lateran University, said - A child should not arrive thanks to the hidden desire of a person. We have to respect nature."