Stories and News No. 681 You are all crazy. You believe we are all silly. I had already heard it, but now I read even the New York Times suspects. They are connected to the CIA. That is, behind these beheadings there are the Americans themselves. That’s madness. It’s the usual conspiratorial mania about hidden things, mysteries. It's absurd. It's like saying, you know, that Native Americans were the good guys and the cowboys were the bad ones. Do you realize? A family of pioneers walks with his caravan in the west and come screaming savages, all painted, capture them and get the scalp. And the good are them? But you've seen the movie or what do you talk about? The CIA behind them ... So to speak, is like saying that the Americans have invaded Afghanistan for oil, and not to find Bin Laden. Again with this story of oil, find another excuse. Yes, I know that at that time there was no evidence that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan, and then it turned out that
by Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher