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Showing posts from December, 2011

Happy new year diversity 2012

Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Happy solidarity Christmas

At Christmas, Christians celebrate a birth, an extraordinary child's birth, but he is still a child, exactly as more than twenty five thousand who die for hunger every day. Let me send you my most sincere greetings. At the same time, I take this opportunity to extend it to the children in the world that can still survive and those who are fighting to save them... From the list of the ten countries with the highest infant mortality rate

What is Occupy Movement: SWTOR video dedication

Stories and News No. 371 Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Christmas gifts ideas for everyone: all free

During these economic crisis times, I am glad to propose you five free Christmas gifts: 1° Make a diet plan . Eat less now, because you don't know what you will eat tomorrow. 2° Stop smoking . If you ignore your health, think about when you won't have the money to buy cigarettes. 3° Learn how to see in the dark . People in the past could do it and who saw more lived much more. 4° Be used to cold . Are you really sure to be always able to get energy in your house? The last but not the least, the 5° is this: give gifts . Share gifts to everyone, known and unknown people, wishing they'll do the same to you. Maybe, a day will come when someone wil give you something you really need without enoungh money to get... Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Breast implants cost gone wrong: 10 reasons to stop it

Stories and News No. 370 Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Wherever you are song by military wives: the dead?

Stories and News No. 369 Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Kim Jong-il dead or alive I wish children will survive

Stories and News No. 368 Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Facebook Timeline how to use review

Stories and News No. 367 Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

War in Iraq over only for americans…

Stories and News No. 366 Share the post:

The girl with the dragon tattoo 2011 trailer: Angela Merkel Millennium

Stories and News No. 365 Share the post:

God particle found video news

Stories and News No. 364 The News ( The Independent ): 'God particle' to be confirmed soon. Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Vladimir Putin vs. Mikhail Prokhorov: third choice?

Stories and News No. 363 Share the post:

10 years euro BCE anniversary video: lies and reality

Stories and News No. 362 The News ( Youtube BCE ): 2012: The first ten years of the euro banknotes and coins. Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Sarkozy Cameron euro crisis: off french president rage

Stories and News No. 361 The News ( Wall Street Journal ): Cameron Blocked New EU Treaty Over Safeguards. Stories and news : “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News. Share the post:

Italy mafia boss Michele Zagaria arrested video

Stories and News No. 360 The News ( The Telegraph ): Camorra boss Michele Zagaria caught after police break into underground bunker. Share the post:

The Artist movie trailer Youtube Berlusconi

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Italy Welfare minister elsa fornero tears video

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