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What about peace?

Stories and News No. 1306

Follow me in a house, inside a family like many others, husband and wife are having dinner at the table with their son, as usual with the TV on.
The man of the news still talks about the war, thinks the son of two, six years old that particularly well behaved, even if we never say that about children, only adults, and instead it is necessary to do it from time to time. Because in their case it tenderly demonstrate it.
“Did you hear what Putin said?” says the disconcerted father, pushing away the plate with the still hot spaghetti left over.
“We don’t do that,” the boy thinks, staring at the gesture more than at the words. “You always repeats we don’t reject the food, it's rudeness,” he adds in his mind, recalling the precise statement of the dinner regulation.
However, when the grown-ups talk to each other, he prefers to listen and try to understand, an increasingly difficult task with the passing of the generations.
“Are you referring to nuclear weapons?” replies his wife, who, understandably worried, grabs the glass, fills it to the brim with water, and then empties it in a few seconds.
“Well done, mom”, the little one says to himself. “Water is always good for you and heals everything, as grandma used to say as long as she spoke.”
Now she is almost always silent in the armchair by the window.
She's out of her mind, the official version of the adults.
She is remembering all her life and it is a long thing, it is instead the child’s vision.
On the other hand, the presumed correct interpretation of things, big or small ones, is exactly the meaning of this short story.
In fact, under the eyes and especially the attentive ears of the son, the parents quibble about international politics as if they were two renowned experts, alternating the main positions and opinions on the most current topic today, in a succession of statements and replies now very common everywhere:
“We risk World War III, you know?”
“Sure, but we can't leave the Ukrainians alone, they need our weapons.”
“I agree, but we have to be careful not to overdo it, did you listen what Putin said?”
"Yes, you're right, that's crazy!"
"It's also dangerous... but the Americans have their faults, huh?"
“Yes, Europe too. We are all guilty, but if he wins then he’ll invade everyone."
“No… then America launches the missiles and he pushes the button... boom and it's all over.”
“Look, that's exactly what we risk. You heard the speech, didn't you?"
“Yes I heard it, but that’s why Ukraine must win the war at all costs.”
  “Either Putin wins it or we, this is the truth.”
Suddenly, taking advantage of a very providential pause in the heated and frightened chat between the two, with a luckily more perplexed than alarmed face, the child asks: "Dad, mom, you're still talking about war, aren't you?"
“Yes, honey,” the mother replies, thinking that perhaps there is no need to broach this terrifying subject in front of her son. "Sorry for that."
She then stares at her husband to invite him to reinforce the concept.
“Yes, honey, forgive us,” he says. “I’ll change the channel.”
Nevertheless, the child does not change the subject at all and remains on point, his: "Daddy, mommy, but if Ukraine makes war, Russia makes war and we make war too, who makes peace?"

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