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Why writing is important video: Happy New Year 2014

Stories and News No. 614

I assume this is the last video of the year.
I would like to conclude this 2013 with intentions that I have long ago written for myself.
I hope to have them followed and so will be in the future.
Of course, nothing prevents you from doing the same.
Quite the contrary.

Our work should not depend ‘on people’.
Rather, what we write, build, post, whatever we create, if we want to share it, it is ‘for the people’.
Indeed, for those among them, even just one, will accept it.
Who has something to share should not depend on people.
On the looks, the comments, the appreciation, Facebook’s Like, followers on Twitter, more or less authoritative quotations, number of visits, popularity.
That's what makes our words weak, fragile, harmless and so ourselves.
All this does not diminish our desire to see our things read, watched, listen, and especially appreciated.
That desire is human.
This does not erase the dream of living of our imagination and enjoying the richness of the best time to give life to the creations we admire.
However, the mere need that must move our acting, painting, playing, singing and writing must be just to do it and nothing else.
Sharing outside, via blogs, videos, websites in general, even sending work to a publisher, must take place if and only if we believe and feel that we have pulled out something that in our opinion, our far from infallible opinion, deserves to be read, seen or heard.
Looking for ears and eyes at any time, as soon as possible, following the praise, applause and success, is wrong
Success should not be tried at all. Singers, actors, writers, artists do not have to work for success.
That's the seller. At the end of the year, it’s him who have to check the numbers, sales, receipts, losses, and that should take care of the marketing, the logo, the image.
The truth is that those who create must work to listen, not to say.
If you have something to say is what you heard, that has invaded you, and you want to share with others in the new form that you was able to give.
Nevertheless, listening needs silence, attention, eyes and ears wide open, and not those of the public.
The land of opportunity is here, now, creating words, images and so on, having the time to do it.
The dream is here, today and is working to create a beautiful thing, and another on, until the breath allows.
Then, if it's worth it, put it all in a bottle and throw it into the sea.
Or in the web.
Without thinking about it more.
Because in the land of opportunity there is always someone who might find it.

Happy holidays to those who can afford it and especially to those who do not.
And happy new year!


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