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I am not communist

Stories and News No. 344

I am convinced that the biggest hit of Silvio Berlusconi is having convinced most of his voters - and not only – that who criticizes him do because he is communist…

The Story:

I'm not a communist.
I'm not communist if I think that in my country law should be equal for all.
And I do not think of being a communist if I’d whish to see this principle also respected by the current Italy Prime Minister.
I'm not communist if I think that, whatever our policy regard to foreigners who come to our country is, we should never lose the respect of human rights.
And I do not think of being a communist if I consider my actual government not able to comply with that value.
I am not communist if I think that, while we see increasing youth unemployment, the recent request to double the contributions to political parties is comparable to a theft.
And I do not think of being a communist, regardless of whether it is approved or not, I always feel excessive these contributions.
I am not communist if I think that when a country decides to use the weapons is because there is something that it should have done before and it did not.
And I do not think of being a communist if I ask why it still does not.
I am not communist if I think that the Catholic Church has no right to interfere in the decisions of parliament.
And I do not think of being a communist if I feel doubly ashamed when it does, allying with people with non-existent morality.
I am not communist if I think that my State has a duty to ensure that all respect the rights of those who depend on them, from the poorest citizen to the richest company.
And I do not think of being a communist if I consider what Fiat in recent years has made to his workers as an abuse of power.
I am not communist if I think that today living conditions in our prisons should be the first point of any reform of the justice.
And I do not think of being a communist when I feel outraged listening to our minister of the latter arguing the huge importance of the laws currently under discussion.
I'm not communist if I’m sick, I repeat, sick of seeing the name of my country mocked in the world.
And I’m not also because you have just to read today Financial Times, which is anything but communist.
In short, I am not communist if I think and believe in all that.
I may be, but this is not the point.
The point is that if I did not think and believe in what I just wrote, I would be a dishonest citizen and anything but a good person.
Communist or not.

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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