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Super full Moon Berlusconi miracle photos

Stories and News No. 340

The Story:

Someone said that Saturday, March 19, 2011, the moon will reach its closest point to earth after 19 years.
So we will be able to enjoy a super full moon in the sky.
Well, I know that science magazines as Focus say it is a hoax.
Let me dream.
God knows how much we need today to believe in dreams.
I want to believe in mine.
In my dream tomorrow the Super Giant Moon, after it entered the scene as an amazing actress or an exceptional dancer, will use its talent to draw upon itself the attention of my fellow citizens.
All of them, without exception.
What will its miracle be?
That is easy to guess.
It is the same that makes it huge, unbelievably huge.
Indeed, the Super Moon will have the power to make everything bigger, so big it can no longer be ignored.
Then, what this country is our duty to see without turning our gaze will appear next to it.
Everything will be there, right ahead our eyes, every moment we will raise our heads.
We will not be able to change the TV channel this time, because we cannot avoid looking at the sky when it looks at us.
And because, if you have the opportunity to look in his eyes…



Much closer…

Incredibly closer…

You'll see clearly what he is really thinking when he is talking to you.
If, regardless of what you see, you’ll persist in blindly trust him, well… go back to your chair watching TV, because this show is not for you.

Here is the video.

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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