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Sara Tommasi sms to Berlusconi: she is the leader of the opposition

Stories and News No. 318

I want to think positive.
Let’s try to do so, passionately together.
I understand that with every passing day the image of Italy Prime Minister and our country with him is tingeing with increasingly murky color.
However, as the wise or foolish says, even the worst can bring out the best.
I read carefully, with an opening cross-known view on various online newspapers (La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore and Libero) the sms messages sent by Sara Tommasi, largely to Silvio Berlusconi.
Let’s stop to easy moralism.
We must look forward to the next years.
Read with me the words of Sara Tommasi.
Marvel at the audacity she has with the head of Italian government.
Observe the freedom she uses to call into question the latter as a political leader.
Look safety how she points her finger at the man - until proven otherwise - the most powerful in the country.
Sara Tommasi!
She is the real new leader of the opposition.
And here is her first official speech…

The Story:

A Silvio Berlusconi:

"My love, I sent you a souvenir with Lycia. I hope you understand this time "

"My love, forgive me, I saw only now your call. Lately I have problems with the phone line. If I can do something. A big kiss"

"I missed you so much, I hope you will call me soon. I still love you, you know, Lady X "

"Silvio shame on you! You made me sick, pay the bills of my psychologist "

"I hope you’ll die with your sluts"

"But why not put me behind only Lele Mora instead of the lesbians??"

"I hope the U.S. government is starting to give light to our national prestige with the 10 questions for admission to Harvard. Politics is a serious matter, not a joke as you have understood"

"Ten criteria for admission to the ranks of the parliamentary... you suspected, you'd be out. Do you understand?"

"Resume immediately Ronaldinho in your team of shit or I'll make Obama to exclude you from the world's largest international politicians, Italy is unable to listen to the signals of the world."

"It takes a good reputation to govern! Also you do the partying, Ronaldinho must come back "

"You're abusing power"

"Undeserved power, among other things, see processes and so on…"

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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