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US terrorism attack Europe Travel alert stinks like…

Stories and News No. 240

This morning I read a news that has the intent to be alarming.
Well, of course, it does not need a genius for that.
It is not odd that there is the word alarm in the article.
If you also read terms like terrorist and Al-Qaeda, that is enough to agitate your heart, right?
But let's concentrate our attention to the facts, which basically are two.
The first one regards the last Travel Alert on Europe which actually indicates potential risks.
The second consists of some revelations by U.S. channel Fox News, that - following the previous release, claims that some intelligence sources have indicated as possible targets the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame in Paris, the central station and the television tower at Alexanderplatz in Berlin and others.
All among yesterday and today.
Now, let’s think that I am a mistrustfull, suspicious, polemic jammer, asking what is behind in any news and that more or less stubbornly insists on considering ambiguous every so-called revelation that comes from any government, let alone the world's most powerful one…

The Story:

If I were that mistrustfull guy, I would think that it was not a coincidence that USA launched this very destabilizing alarm whille we have a significant rise in Asian markets, a consequent fall of European ones and finally the best response in U.S. since 1939…

If I were mistrustfull and even suspicious, I would consider that it was not occasional that this disturbing report comes while we have a serious diplomatic crisis between NATO (or U.S.) and Pakistani leaders, which obliged the former to apologize to the latter…

If I were mistrustfull, suspicious and a polemic jammer, I would add that perhaps it was not entirely accidental that the U.S. warnings about Europe occupies most of the newspapers of countries whose governments are in these days handling some very critical national strikes and demonstrations…

If I were mistrustfull, suspicious, a polemic jammer and someone who asks what is behind in any news, I would say it is not a fortuitous fact that it is precisely the Fox News to indicate the suspected terrorist targets…

And finally, I were mistrustfull, suspicious, a polemic jammer, asking what is behind in any news and that more or less stubbornly insists on considering ambiguous every so-called revelation that comes from any government, considering that in November there will be in USA the so-called midterm elections - a crucial test for Obama and the Democrats and an extraordinary occasion for their opponents, I would say that this terror alert stinks like a diaper filled by my son...

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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