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Berlusconi calls PdL people on streets

Stories and News No. 126

The Story:

Following the new exclusion of PdL, Berlusconi speaks of violent abuse and calls his people on streets to defend democracy.
However, since the decline of consensus, he decided to test the ground by personally calling a member of his last aggregator of good government defenders: the Promoters of Freedom:

Berlusconi: Hello, do I speak with a Promoter of Freedom?
Promoter: Who the fuck is that?
Berlusconi: I am Silvio… I call you because you’re a member of our group…
Promoter: Is it a joke?
Berlusconi: No, no joke! It's me, your president...
Promoter: Oh, damn, sorry! - And turning to someone nearby - Maria, come here! Berlusconi is on the phone!
Berlusconi: Hello…? Are you still there?
Promoter: Yes, President, I just informed my wife. What an honor to hear you!
Berlusconi: Thank you, thank you. Dear friend, as you know, they tried to drive us out of the vote for the Lombardia region...
Promoter: Who cares? I live in Rome...
Berlusconi: If you let me finish… I was saying, as you know, that a violent abuse has also been made to the city of Rome and its province...
Promoter: Ah, yes… that thing of the lists. But when must we vote?
Berlusconi: On 28 and 29 March… don’t forget. However, the fact is that someone wants to prevent you and your wife to vote. It is an outrage and unacceptable violence, some of which we have rejected. In Milan, even if with a delay of one week, our accuracy has been fully recognized…
Promoter: Who cares? I live in Rome...
Berlusconi: Yes, I've understood... I was saying, in Rome we have suffered a double injustice…
Promoter: Yeah! Those illegal immigrants...
Berlusconi: No… this time it’s not about immigrants…
Promoter: The gypsies? They seem to be poor and then go around with gold teeth and luxury cars…
Berlusconi: No gypsies…
Promoter: Communists?!
Berlusconi: No! Let me finish… The judges did it…
Promoter: Left judges!
Berlusconi: Yes… however, you know that in the elections on 28-29 March we are still against a Left that, instead of democratic measures as the vote is, comes down to the streets spreading lies, envy and hate...
Promoter: Bastards! Let's go to hit them!
Berlusconi: Calm down, keep calm. I trust you and your wife, dear Promoter, to support our campaign…
Promoter: Well… president, I tell you clearly: we have no money to give you…
Berlusconi: No! Mine is only an invitation to have no fear. Openly challenge the arrogance of the Left: commit, do something, get on the streets, aware the healthy forces of the country and convince everyone to take the side of good governance, on the side of democracy, on the side of freedom!
Promoter: Yes, I understand… But practically what we have to do?
Berlusconi: Listen, soon I will invite you to a big national demonstration to defend our right to vote and thus our democracy and our freedom...
Promoter: When?
Berlusconi: Well, since Saturday 13 there is the Left manifestation, I thought the 20 March...
Promoter: What time? No tonight, okay? There is the soccer match, Rome vs Udinese…
Berlusconi: Oh… it will be in the afternoon…
Promoter: Where? In Piazza della Repubblica?
Berlusconi: No, another demonstration will be there. We will go on Piazza San Giovanni…
Promoter: Oh, shit! It’s hard to park there…
Berlusconi: Come with the subway train!
Promoter: Sure, sure.
Berlusconi: Well, I wait for you on the streets!
Promoter: Yes, president.
Double click.
Maria: What did he say?
Promoter: He wants to join Saturday March 20 demonstration in San Giovanni...
Maria: How much money does he give us, this time?
Promoter: He didn’t mention it...
Maria: And what we gain from that?!

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

The people and the tragic story of Italy, Saturday March 20 2010, World storytelling day in Rome.

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