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Minister Scajola: nuclear power plant in my garden

Stories and News No. 75

The Story:

Once upon a time there was an Italian minister who would put a nuclear power plant in his garden…

You may think it is incredible, but in the world not everyone agreed with him.

They certainly do not…

It would have been useless as offensive to ask him…

Maybe it would have been useful for the minister to hear what they thought about…

Or him…

At least just reading in her eyes

And in her dreams…

On the other hand, it would have been sufficient to reflect on how much a smile may be worth for those who paid the highest price...

Of course, then as now, everything depends on how big your garden is...

Minister Scajola said: "I would put a Nuclear power plant in my garden. Wherever it was built, a nuclear power plant has increased the region's economy and there has been a great safeguard of the environment."

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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