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Sex for favours: the Italian reply

Stories and News No. 63

The Story:

The Italian reply to the great discoveries made by scientists of the Australian National University has just arrived.
Australian experts, in a study published on Biology Letters journal, documented how the female fiddler crab grants sex in exchange for protection from intruders, in the constant battle to defend its burrow.
So here is the reply by Italian researchers, who have just published a detailed a report about a creature that, they assure, will make fiddler crabs cry: the pianist mouse.
Pianist mice are so called because the males’ legs are larger but also faster than female ones. This vantage is used to help the less rapid animals.
The special kind of mice lives on a mountain, where everyone has his comfortable burrow.
At least every five years they have to fight for preserving the territory and the conquest of a new housing.
The male mice have an obvious advantage in the struggle for a den, but Italian researchers have observed how they're always ready to rush to the aid of enterprising women, agreeable to exchange sex for a place in the sun.
The mice are envied by pianist rats in the entire world, because, regardless of how they actually contribute to the ecosystem, these animals are those who eat more.
Another peculiarity is that, once the group settles into burrows, irrespective of the different factions, when they have to defend a common interest, they ever agreed.
However, Italian scientists claim that these creatures are unaware of being a species about to extinct.
In fact, even if only the lowest mouse raised the head, he would see the hungry crowd of animals that are slowly climbing the mountain...

Study: Fiddler crabs exchange sex for survival.
In the world of fiddler crabs, the best form of protection for females is, apparently, having sex with the neighbours, according to an Australian study published Wednesday. Researchers from The Australian National University in Canberra found male fiddler crabs will happily defend a nearby female against intruders — partly because the females will dole out sex in return.

Stories and news: “invented” Stories, fruit of my imagination, inspired by “true” media News.

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